Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In anticipation of something beautiful

Hello friends and family!

Welcome to my new blog! :) As many of you know, I have felt the burden on my heart for many years for children's ministry, as well as women's ministries. It is one of my greatest joys to share the Word of God with a precious little one, and watch the Holy Spirit begin to work in their hearts, or share my heart with young women and see the healing power of Christ transform them! For the past year the Lord has been leading me through a journey of seeking Him and His will that has been such a blessing. Some of you know the steps that have brought me to this point, and can attest to God's hand in bringing this ministry to me! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to have the honor of serving Christ alongside Serving His Children this coming fall.

For those of you who just stumbled upon this blog, and may not know me or anything about this new minisrty, let me explain a bit! :) I am taking a mission trip to Masese, Uganda this fall to serve with a ministry called Serving His Children. This is a new ministry that was started by a young woman by the name of Renee Bach, to serve the communtiy of Masese and the surrounding areas by meeting a few basic needs there. The most important being, of course, sharng the good news of the gospel! Essentially the goal of Serving His Children is to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to show his real and unconditional love. (To learn more specifics about this ministry, visit As a branch of this ministry, SHC would like to start a bible school program for the children. This is where I will be volunteering; helping to start this bible school by gathering and bringing curriculem, supplies, and all my creative juices! I will also be teaching. I had been praying very specifically for a ministry that I could be useful to, and Renee had been praying for someone with my talents to come and start up the school! Our God is so amazing!

The purpose of this blog is to keep my brothers and sisters in Christ updated on this ministry so that they can be in prayer, and so that they might be encouraged by hearing about how God is at work through Serving His Children. Throughout my fundraising period, as well as my time in Uganda, I will be updating this page, so that you can be a part of what God is doing!
I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and support! Thank you! :)


  1. Heidi your "About me" should say "beutiful young woman"! God had made you perfect just the way that you are and I am excited to see what he will do with you in uganda. I love you sister!

    Jeff Elliott

  2. Dear Heidi,

    We are so excited about what God will do through you in Uganda! It will be a great time and a blessing. You better call us and write us emails...or else! We love you! - Adam and Hope
