Sunday, October 4, 2009
Meditating the Incomprehesible
I’m finding that in the dark of night and on the edge of life where death begins to be a terrifying reality, human strength holds no hope at all. Its something we know in our heads, but are shocked by it when we see this truth in such a powerful way. The past two weeks have been so emotional and exhausting, but have given me such great perspective that only experience can bring, and ultimately taught me more about living by the strength of our powerful God and not thinking that I can by my own strength “power through.” Tonight, as I was riding with Renee on the back of a motorcycle back to the hospital, we passed a woman laying bleeding on the side of the road. We quickly pulled off the road and ran back to where a small crowd was beginning to form. She was bleeding from several wounds on her head as well as from her shoulder and for many long minutes she seemed unconscious and I seriously thought that she might die. In times such as these the only prayers that will come from my heart are cries of “Jesus, please help!” We had been bringing sheets for Renee to sleep on at the hospital so it just so happened that we had sheets to help put pressure on her bleeding head wounds to slow the loss of blood. (Another reminder that there are no chance encounters, only divine appointments) As Renee held the sheets to her head, I held her hand and the flashlight and prayed that the Lord would bring the ambulance quickly. The ambulance never came though and after about 20 minutes a man with a car finally scooped her up and told us that he would not wait for the ambulance and would take her to the hospital himself. After watching his car speed of down the road, we climbed back onto the back of our motorcycle and headed the rest of the way. I don’t know if she’ll be okay; I don’t know if she even made it to the hospital. I don’t know if my 20 minutes of holding a stranger’s hand in the dark will make any difference in her life at all. In the midst of so many unknowns that have the potential to drown my heart in discouragement, I have to cling tightly to what I do know. I know that our God is bigger than this world; bigger than corrupt governments and poor healthcare; bigger that my comprehension. I know that He can conquer fear and bring peace; I know that He has conquered death and will continue to bring hearts back to the life that they were created for in Him. I know that even though I don’t know the whole story, He does because He is the Author of life and is sovereign over all creation.
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Heidi- Thanks for your sharing of this experience. I was talking to John ( your little bro` that is) at church today. He was telling me how much he wanted to go and be with you in what you were doing in Uganda. We're praying to have a conviction in our hearts that our prayers for you are effective. When you tell us about experiences like this, we feel very connected to what you are doing and what God is doing through you. Like Paul, I can truly say, "I thank my God for every remembrance of you", and pray for His strong grace to be living in you moment by moment, hour by hour, and day by day.