Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Confessions of a 21st Century Martha

The other day, as I stood at my sink washing what felt like the millionth load of dishes for the week, my mind wandered across the many different tasks that I needed to be doing. As usual, as I went through my mental checklist, that vein in my neck (the one that tells me I'm in over my head) began to pulse. Not actually thinking too long on any one thing, I was essentially getting nothing done but dishes. Sitting in front of me on the counter was a children's church curriculum book. On the cover was an illustration of the story of two sisters, Mary and Martha out of Luke chapter 10. Like many children's bible story illustrations, the person in the story who is in the wrong looks ridiculous, and the one who is doing right looks almost angelic. In this picture Martha has 6 arms, each doing a different task; she's sewing something with 2 hands, baking with another 2, pouring water for Jesus, and sweeping a mouse out from under the table. Mary of course, is sitting on the floor in front of Jesus looking sweet and beautiful and content. I laughed to myself, but in my grouchy mood I thought of how Martha gets such a bad wrap! Sure, its was better for her to listen to Jesus then be focused on other things, but she was working hard for the Lord. I thought, "Listen, she seriously had a ton to do, and if everyone wanted to eat, and drink and not have to worry about those details, then that was her ministry! Right? And seriously, the mouse under the table? who wouldn't be worried about that. I mean someone has to get all the dishes and laundry done so that there is room to sit on that floor and listen to Jesus!" I went on in my mind making tons of wonderful sounding justifications for busyness, but only making myself more angry all the while.

Our God is so compassionate, He loves me enough to even convict me right in the middle of one of my mind rants. I thought suddenly about the other sister, Mary. She sat and listened to the voice of Jesus. In reality, I'm sure she wasn't a lazy person who never did any housework. I'm sure she was well aware of the things that needed to be done around the house. But, Mary decided to sit at Jesus' feet. Luke 10: 41 gives us Jesus reply at Martha's comment; "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed."
How true is that in my own life! I'm a Martha sympathizer because much of the time I am just like her! I want to do so many things for Christ, be involved in so many ministries, get perfect scores on all my exams in my overloaded school schedule, have a perfect looking space, be a cute looking woman,... But then, some of those things really aren't for Christ at all. In reality, I have alot of good ideas, but not all of them are God ideas, (as Beth Moore pointed out in our last women's bible study.) I was reminded once again that when my focus is on Jesus, as Mary's was, I'm only interested in the tasks that actually bring Him glory. "There is a time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven." Cleaning, cooking, studying for long hours, grocery shopping, and trips to the bank; those all have a place. So do those coffee dates that turn into bible study, and that bible study with peopel who don't seem to care, and that ministry that consumes extra hours of preparation. All those tasks that the Lord has placed in front of me have importance, but they cannot be my focus! The tasks are simply tools that God will use to bring Himself glory, or to prepare me for another task that will ultimately bring Him glory. My job is to focus my eyes and ears on Jesus and to listen intently to His voice. Priscilla Shirer made an excellent point in her bible study, Discerning the Voice of God, "Intimate fellowship is the purpose of God's plan." The plan is not the purpose; the tasks are not the ultimate goal: Jesus desires that I walk in Him with all of myself so that I can know Him better, not so that I can just walk in Him.

I finished those dishes, but with a much better attitude than when I started them, and moved on to the next task. Jesus loves it when we put our eyes back on Him, because we cannot have real joy any other way. As I continue to prepare for the big task ahead of me, I'll be remembering that the tasks themselves are of little importance. I want to choose, as Mary did, to focus on the one thing that is needed, and approach everything else with that in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Good points, Jo! I totally try to be the busy one all the time, without listening to God and what He wants in each moment. We have to be balanced in every area of our lives, actively serving God, but listening intently to His voice at all times.
